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Worth Data® Bar Code Software

Worth Data offers our powerful bar code printing solutions and helpful Excel add-ins for our popular RF Terminals and Data Collection Inventory scanners. As the developer of the software, we offer unmatched compatibility with Windows® based PC platforms plus superior, in-depth-support — both pre-sale and post-sale. Click on any of the products below for full details on the features, prices and specifications.


LabelRIGHT Ultimate

LabelRIGHT™ Ultimate Bar Code Labeling Software

LabelRIGHT Ultimate for Windows® makes it easy to design and print custom labels of any size and style including bar code labels, shelf labels, packing labels, shipping labels, compliance labels, and product labels. Print simple or advanced labels on any Laser, inkjet, or Thermal Transfer printer in just minutes! Runs on Windows 11, 10, 8, & 7

KwikCount/EX for Excel

KwikCount/EX™ for Excel ®

KwikCount/EX for Windows allows the Worth Data 5000 Series TriCoders to easily update any Excel spreadsheets using a this powerful plug-in.  The KwikCount/EX is included for free with any TriCoder purchase.